Municipal Plan & Development Regulations Review


June 2024 Engagement Opportunities - Now Closed

July 15 update: Thank you for your participation in this round of engagement on the Draft Municipal Plan for CBS. This phase of engagement is now closed as we compile a What We Heard report, and draft the final documents. Stay tuned for more information.

We are pleased to announce the release of the draft documents that reflects what we heard and the changing conversations. Open now until July 15 2024, we are inviting community participation and feedback to review the new Draft Municipal Plan and Development Regulations for the future of Conception Bay South. This is the major opportunity for public feedback, collaboration, and revisions. When engagement closes on the Draft Plan, revisions will be made and then the planning documents will go to Council. CBS residents will then have a formal opportunity to speak to the plans at the Public Hearing.

Please see the opportunities below to get involved. Engagement remains open until July 15th, 2024.

Plan CBS Overview - Online Recording

On June 18th we held an online public meting with a presentation on the new Municipal Plan and draft changes. Please view the recording (40 minutes) to learn more and then share your thoughts through the online feedback form or directly with the project team.

Online Feedback Form

We invite comments on the planning documents through this online form until July 15.

Please note - engagement is now closed.

Direct Feedback

You are also welcome to contact the project team directly: 709-834-6500 Ext. 402 /

In-Person Public Session - Now Passed

Please take some time to review the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, and join us for a public meeting to learn about the plan from the project team and share your feedback. We welcome you to join us on either June 12 or June 13.

Session 1: Wednesday June 12th

7: 00 pm, Parsons Rotary Clubhouse, Seal Cove, 1706 Conception Bay Highway

Session 2: Thursday June 13th

7: 00 pm, Worsley Park Building, Chamberlains, 52 Worsley Drive

The project team will provide a presentation and overview of the plans & key changes, and then there will be an opportunity for interactive discussion, feedback and conversation.

Register for Office Hours - Now Passed

Please schedule a 30-minute time slot with our project team’s office hours to learn about and discuss the new draft Municipal Plan and Development Regulations with the project team.

This is an opportunity to ask further questions following the public meetings, discuss an issue in more depth, and share your thoughts directly with the project team and in a calm, accessible setting.

Wednesday June 12th, 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Thursdays June 13th, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Friday June 14th, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Manuels Room, Town Hall, 11 Remembrance Square, Conception Bay South

Online Public Meeting - Now Passed

We will be hosting an online public meeting on June 18th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm online on Zoom.

Project Relaunch Engagement Opportunities

Public Survey - Now Closed

We want to hear from you about how CBS has changed over the last two years and how you’d like to see it grow and evolve in the future.

Stakeholder Interviews - Now Passed

Major employers, community groups and service providers were interviewed to provide feedback about their priorities, ideas and concerns for land use and development in CBS.

Public Workshops - Now Passed

Two community workshops were held in March. This was a chance for residents and stakeholders to share their ideas, concerns and hopes for land use and development in Conception Bay South. Participants contributed input on the overarching vision, goals, and guiding principles, and explore key issues to be addressed through the plan and policy review.

Surveys - Now Closed

We want to get a better idea of what aspects of Conception Bay South are important to you. What assets do you enjoy? Are there issues on your mind? A community and business survey was open to responses for the month of March. Thank you to everyone who participated! Approximately 600 responses were received. Results will be made available soon.


A photo capturing earlier engagement on the municipal plan.